Summer Spark launches! Get your program on the map

Message for community from United Way and Youth Development Resource Center:

We have just launched the Summer Spark Program Locator, but there is still time for you to get your program on the map!

The Youth Development Resource Center and the United Way for Southeastern Michigan have created Summer Spark,a campaign to help parents and caregivers find summer learning opportunities in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties.

What does the Summer Spark program locator look like? You can check it out at The locator is embedded on United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s website. Summer Spark provides parents with a program description, schedule, and enrollment and accessibility information. The Summer Sparksite is live now, but you can still list your programs! We hope this free marketing resource will help generate leads and fill your program to capacity.

What do you need to do? Please take 10 minutes to log-in to and complete the online form (details below) to be sure we have current 2018 summer program information. We have attached a user guide to help you navigate the system.


1. Log-in and create a profile of your organization.A new user account has been created for you in the Cityspan – Summer Spark Program Locator system:

Go to:

username: wcharafeddine

password: 4t9pykpz

To change your password, log in to your account and click on Account Settings/User Accounts on the left menu. If you have any questions while navigating the site, please contact: summersparksem.

2. Create a site profile with details about the programs/activities at your sites.

If you have more than 5 sites, please email us and we’ll provide you an alternate way of providing your program information to save you time.

We’re also offering you the attached Summer Spark program quality standards guide. Research shows that high-quality programs are much more likely to engage kids, help them gain skills for success, and reduce the summer slide. Take some time to assess, plan and improve your program this summer! Also attached to this email is the Summer Spark flyer for parents. Please feel free to share the flyer with parents in your community.

If you have any other questions or if you would like hard copies of the parent flyers, please contact us at summersparksem.


Kim Johnson, Network and Operations Manager

Tammy Miller, Project and Data Assistant

Sara Plachta Elliott, Executive Director


Summer Spark Quality Standards _FINAL.PDF

Summer Spark Flyer_FINAL.PDF