Bully Free Program and Lessons

OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program

Grades 6th-12th

Schedule for 2012-2013 school year


Lesson 1:

A)    Discussion and enforcement of school wide anti-bullying rules and ground rules, and classroom rules for your individual classroom.

Post in Classroom and discuss (Refer to Teachers CD-Rom Ch. 4, File #8, and File #9, for an outline of Anti Bullying Rules and Ground Rules for Class Meeting).

Let the students work with you to develop anti-bullying rules for YOUR classroom! (Use the Ground Rules as a guide) J

Lesson 2:

B)    Creating Positives: Discuss the 4 Anti-Bullying Rules

1)      Rule 1: We will not Bully Others

*Teachers Guide Book pgs. 52-54, or CD-ROM Ch.6: File #12

2)      Rule 2: We will try to help students that are bullied

*Teachers Guide Book pgs. 54-55, or CD-ROM Ch.6: File#13

3)      Rule 3: We will try to include students who are left out

*Teachers Guide Book pg.55, or CD-ROM Ch.6: File #14

4)      Rule 4: If we know that someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

*Teachers Guide Book pg.56, or CD-ROM Ch.6: File #15

Lesson 3:

C)     Tips for Positive and Negative Consequences for Bullying.

*Teachers Guide Book pgs.57-62 (tips for consequences)

*TEACHERS: Be creative w/ your class when discussing the positive and negative consequences that YOU want to implement in your classroom.

Lesson 4:

D)    Class Meetings-What is discussed during class meetings? Why should I have class meetings? Ask yourself… How will it help the students?

*USE the ROLE PLAY SCRIPT if you want to simulate Class Meetings (CD-ROM Ch.6, File #11)

*Read Purpose of Class Meetings, Guide Book pg.68, and How to Organize and Lead Class Meetings, Guide Book pg.69

Lesson 5:

E)    Reinforce the Anti-Bullying Rules. Use the Bullying Rules Roundup (CD-ROM Ch.6, File #16)

*Ask the students if they feel as though the rules are working? Ask them if they are still struggling with bullying in YOUR classroom.

Lesson 6:

F)     Show “Maria’s Story” Scenario on the Teacher’s DVD

  1. Read and Reflect on her story (CD-ROM Ch.2, File #2)
  2. ASK students to share their experiences, if any, as they relate to her story, ask them what they would do if they were “Maria” or if they knew her.

Lesson 7:

G)    What is bullying? DEFINITION of Bullying in Teachers Guide Book pg. 11

1)      Bullying is an INTENTIONAL, negative act (Guide Book pg.12)

2)      Bullying is usually REPEATED behavior (Guide Book pg. 12)

3)      Bullying involves the power of IMBALANCE (Guide Book pg. 13)

HANDOUT #1: What is Bullying?

 Lesson 8:

H)   What are the different kinds of bullying? ~ 8 Forms of Bullying (There are 9 Forms, but PLEASE exclude sexual bullying)  Teachers Guide Book pg. 14

1)      Direct and Indirect bullying (Guide Book pg.14)

2)      Relational or Social Bullying (Guide Book pg.14)

3)      Bullying, Rough and Tumble Play, or REAL fighting (Guide Book pg.15)

4)      Bullying Problems by Grade or Gender (Guide Book pg.17)

5)      Cyber-Bullying (Guide Book pg.28)

HANDOUT #2: What does Bullying Look Like and What Should You do about Cyber Bullying

Lesson 9:

I)      Discuss how bullying affects the student who is bullied. What are the Characteristics of the students who bully others.

*Choose a scenario to discuss with students (PRINTED copy of What Would You Do If… included in folder. J)

*Class Discussion: How it feels to be bullied, consequences for the student who is bullying, including both short term and long term consequences. Discuss what we can do if we know a student is being bullied. What is we bully others? How can we recognize and CHANGE our behaviors????

Lesson 10:

J)     Role-Playing: Bullying Circle Role Cards (CD-ROM Ch.6, File #18)

*Tips doe Teachers for Role-Playing (Teachers Guide Book pg. 80)

Lesson 11:

Recognizing if a student is being bullied (Characteristics: Guide Book pg. 19)

1)      Submissive Victims (Guide Book pg.19-20)

2)      Proactive Victims or Bully-Victims (Guide Book pg.21)

 Lesson 12:

K)   Recognizing Bullies! Characteristics of Students who Bully Others (Guide Book pgs. 21-22)

*Class Discussion

L)     Why do Some Students Bully? (Guide Book pg. 23)

*Class Discussion and WRITING activity

Lesson 13:

M)   What roles do students play in bullying situations? (Guide Book pgs. 23-24)

*Class Discussion/Writing: What does positive look like, and how can students make the classroom more positive?

Lesson 14:

N)    Group Mechanisms in Bullying (Guide Book pg. 23)

1)      Social Contagion

2)      Weakening the Normal Inhibitions against Aggression

3)      Decreased Sense of Personal Responsibility

4)      Gradual Changes in the View of the Victim

Lesson 15:

O)    Common Myths about Bullying

1)      Myth 1: Very few students are bullied

2)      Myth 2: Most bullying is physical in nature

3)      Myth 3: Only boys bully

4)      Myth 4: Bullying happens more often outside if school than inside

5)      Myth 5: Students that bully others always have low self-esteem

6)      Myth 6: Bullying is only an Urban problem

7)      Myth 7: Bullying only happens in large schools and classes

Lesson 16 (Wrap-Up Final):

            How can YOU (teachers AND students) be a good listener?

How can you promote your own ACCEPTANCE? (What is acceptance? How does it help to deal with problems?


Tentative Dates of Bully-Free Assemblies:

September 21st 2012: Introduction Assembly

January 25th 2013: Mid-Year Re-iterating Concepts Assembly

May 10th 2013: Wrap-Up Assembly

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