SG History March 8 , 2011

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we started off the meeting by hearing the reports from each committee. The President said that she has reviewed reports from the Student Government member’s and our Vice is planning another meeting with class presidents and vice presidents. Parliamentarian Shaikah created a poster of the Robert’s Rules of Order for Student Government meetings. Treasurer Angham confirmed that we made $27.75 in today’s bake sale which gives us a total of $32 in balance. We have a change in the talent show committee with new participants. Secretary Hanan and Public Relations Dina are advertising and trying to attract more participants for the talent show. Also, first soccer club meeting is scheduled tomorrow . Now we are starting new things like Diversity week to bring life to the students, as well celebrate our cultural diversity. During this week, the SG will play music from each country following facts about them. Students will also eat food relative to the country for lunch, excluding Friday. After discussing this project more, we voted to pass this motion. Meeting was adjourned.


SG History February 15, 2011

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we started off the meeting with reports from the President to Mrs Hammadeh. We gave our own opinions and debated about the school uniform for the following year. We all talked about whether students should wear free dress day on field trips. After this discussion, the Vice President gave a report on a project that all classes should participate in for Black history Month. The class  presidents and vice presidents of each class must decorate a wall honoring Black history Month. There will be an award given to the best decorated door. Then the treasurer gave a report on a new idea to have bake sales every Tuesday hosted by small groups, and the group that makes the most money will win movie tickets. I was also given new tasks which are to create a Student Government scrap-book and post pictures on the website. A motion was proposed to raise the GPA required for Student Government from 2.5  to 3.0, which was not passed. Other amendments were proposed as well. One motion was to place hangers in classrooms for students to hang their jackets. Due to the fact that the time is up, the motion will be postponed til out next meeting.


SG History January 25, 2011

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today not many Student Government officers showed up but we decided to go on with the meeting. A summary was given of what went on during the field trip. Members were taught how to use a camera properly and take pictures effectively. Due to continuous  absences, President Sahar Abuhadma, Secretary Nasr Alsoufi  and Class presidents of 12 and 9th grade have been dismissed  Treasurer Angham is now President. Also Mohamed S. is now class president and Jasmine is his VP for 12th grade. Fatima Ardi has been dismissed as the leader of the talent show so Seena is her replacement. We discussed  the talent show and decided to hold auditions soon. After that, we talked about a movie that the school will be watching on Friday. We are hoping to have the Director come as well. His movie relates to us in different ways, such as his religion and similar struggles for an education. So, we are thinking of different intelligent and effective questions to ask the director. Btw, it’s called Bilal’s Stand . That’s all

SG History January 18, 2011

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we started off the meeting by quickly reviewing the main issues due to last weeks meeting being canceled. Then we discussed the talent show, Due to the fact the seniors will be graduating soon, it was decided that it will be a week before the scheduled date. A a new section for tips for smart boards from teachers was to be opened on the Student Government website. We also have to help encourage students to bring in more canned foods for the canned food drive. The chairman presented this weeks field trip, as well. We will be going to Gamerz USA  for more training. Members of student government have to prepare for the meeting by writing out their plans. At the end, a motion was passed that the “Ask Shirley”  section on the website be changed to “Ask Shaikah”  Meeting Adjourned


SG History January 4, 2011

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee

January  4, 2011

Today we started off by taking a simple quiz on the Robert Rules of Order. After we took the quiz, we went over it and checked it. When the quiz was completed, we started the meeting. Poetry club was postponed due to little submission forms. The contest requires more participants so we must encourage student to join. Also, the talent show is being taken care of by Fatima Ardi and her committee. Applications are being collected soon and participants will receive an incentive. Lately, we are having an upcoming field trip next Friday, if approved. That’s all


SG History December 14, 2010

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we started off the meeting by handing out folders. It seemed like there were many absences but also other volunteers are starting to join our meetings. We decided to take after our last meeting and debate the motion on who should lead the talent show. After discussing the topic further, a majority of the votes were for this motion, and so, it passed. Another motion was set by our parliamentarian Shaikah Shohatee, to create an “Ask Shirley” page on the website to  help students with any questions or redirect the to the chairmen. The motion was moved and passed. The last motion was proposed by the chairmen to give the responsibility of the student government badges to the secretary. This motion was also passed and that concludes any further motions. Next, we reviewed the make up of the talent show. With all the duties we must do, it may take up to the day of the talent show, so we all have to work hard. We went over our packets for the training and discussed the website. Meeting was then adjourned.


SG History December 7, 2010 : New Student Government Website

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we had the meeting in the computer lab. We will all be going on the student government website and creating our accounts. We started off the meeting by distributing the student government folders. It is an important day for us all because it is the first time in HES school created a Student Government website. Then we started listening and voting on motions, but it was decided to postpone the debate until the next meeting in order to take advantage of the computers today. Unfortunately, students trying to register were unable to because it was blocked. However, Mr.C used the main computer to access the site and started our training on the smart bored. The site seems pretty cool and interesting so far, and its very useful. After getting over the main things, the chairmen decided to leave the rest until next time. That was all for today!


SG History: November 30, 2010: New Advancements

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we had a few new announcements, Sahar Abuhadma has been placed as our new President, but has an excused absence today. The Student Government website and club site will be on by tomorrow. It will be created by us and UA news will be placed on it. A new flip camera was kindly donated to the Student Government by Mrs. Massoglia. This helps us to advance ahead of many other schools, including Star International Academy. We also have a field trip this Friday. This will be a trip for us to receive training and gain leadership skill. That was all for today 🙂


~ Historian~

SG History: November 23, 2010: Leadership/ New Motions

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


Today we started off the meeting by watching a video about leadership and how movements are created it was decided that a video will be playing at the beginning of every meeting. It was announced that Sahar Abuhadma is our new President. She chose Kafa Shohatee as the Vice President. Then we talked about a motion that was placed about having a secondary meeting during lunch. We all decided to have meetings on Wednesdays, when/if necessary. The motion was passed. The responsibility of the lost-and-found box being added to the Treasurer was also passed. We talked about other clubs and upcoming events like Parent Teacher Conference. We talked about an art gallery committee to display the best artwork during conferences. In January, The Eagles Radio   will be having music month. There will also be a poetry contest in January, as well as, a bully free assembly.

~ Historian~


SG History: November 9, 2010: New Members After Elections- Structure

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


                         Today we had a pretty basic meeting, it was just a welcoming meeting now that the elections are over. We also went over the structure of the student government. However, we also noted the things that we need to work on as a whole. Dina Shohatee, our head of Public Relations read the duties of each member out loud. Spirit Week has begun and is being lead by Shaikah Shohatee, The President of the Student Government. We have decided to leave the rules until our next field trip and then discuss them then.  We also talked about clubs that are going to be created and when they will begin. We discussed the talent show, as well. We are planning two field trips for training, including one this Friday if approved. The last announcememnt was about the Newsletters; there will be a new website for clubs and teachers.
