SG History: October 12, 2012: Up Coming Event

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


      Today we started our meeting by reviewing the Student Government Constitution. We went over each postitions duty and how they are to be active in their positions and as a member of the student government. Then we discussed moving our meetings from Monday’s to Tuesdays which all members agreed upon. After that we discussed the field  trip cost and what the actual event is. It seems like its going to be a lot of fun. We are all very excited to go to Gamerz USA. Then we talked about getting started with clubs and who they will be run by. We are planning on clubs, and planning to get ready for the elections which will be held in November. after addressing all the of the following the meeting was adjourned.


SG History: September 27, 2010: Beginning The Year

Written By: Past Historian  Christina Shohatee


        Well, the Student Government has finally come together but not in a formal meeting. Today we met after school for no longer then 10 minutes. All we did was check up on everyone. called out the names of each member and their positions. We will be having a “real” meeting pretty soon . Cant wait and we are all excited to begin with the new year.


SG History June 14, 2010: Last Meeting Of the Year

This was the last note from 2010 written By Past Historian, Ismahan Ali:


        Sadly, this was over last student government meeting for this year.  Today as we sat we went around reflecting on this years experienced and how we each felt about begin involved in the student government. Fatima said that in the beginning she felt as if it was “weird,” ad time passed she began enjoying it more, she’s happy to have a higher position and loved the experience. Abdullah Aljabali  said that it was a wonderful experiences even though he had a rough time and some problems in the beginning of the year. Yousef joined late but said he had a great experiences, tried hard, and it was different then what he expected, but thought it was successful, like the talent show and the organization of field day, also that  Mr. Charafeddine is a great leader and he wants to be a great leader like him someday. Bushra  has only came to 2 meetings because she is new but said she wants to be in the student government again, had a good experience and kept it positive attitude being the only one in her class who has not been suspended. Ebtisam said that this was a good experience she learned a lot and was glad she help stop a lot of problems. Hailah said that she too has a great experience and worked hard. I, Ismahan Ali, said that although I had hard times in the beginning of the year and get in to problems that prevented me from being part of the student government from the beginning, am glad to have had this wonderful experience, hope to do better next year and I am looking forward to a higher position next year. Sahar said that she didn’t like it in the beginning but she worked hard, it paid off and thanked Mr. Charafeddine for his great leadership role. Nader didn’t like it much, thought we should have had more field trips, he was knocked down a position and is looking forward for next year.  Mr. Charafeddine thanked everyone, said we had great successes, we had the most organized talent show, expects great things next year, we worked great independently, made a lot of money and then went on to talk about next years elections. Then the meeting ended.


SG History May 24, 2010: Success of Talent Show

Written By Past  Historian:  Ismahan Ali


     We started off by taking attendance of all the members. We were congratulated for the success of the talent show. we congratulated each member for a job well done. A new president and vice president were assigned which were the Secretary and the treasurer. We discussed taking a field trip to Cedar Point.  hen we discussed preparations for field day. We chose dates for each event we had trouble with that due to finals coming up and the lack of time. The meeting was fast. There weren’t many issues to discuss than strategies to get the principle to the Cedar Point field trip and the dates for field day.


SG History: May 5, 2010: Pre-Talent Show Meeting

Historian wrote on May 5th, 2010:

5-5- 2010

     All the members walked in one by one and we sat in a circle like we always do. Facing one another, each looked as if something was concerning them and some  with large smiles covering their faces. Our Secretary took attendance to make sure everyone has attended to make sure everyone has attended the meeting. All the laughter, mini chats and noise declined as Mr. Charafeddine asked the Secretary to read the points from the last meeting. Each person took the chance to speak of new up dates. We spoke more of the talent show which has been rescheduled to next Friday and the preperations needed to be done. We took the time to get up-dates from each committee and vote on new requests. Some members were kicked out of office. No one had any new ideas other then the preparations for the talent show which is like the main event being focused on right now so the meeting was adjourned


There have been many things that student government has been involved in on December 9,2011 we went on our first field trip training to Wayne State for a high rope course training working on the skills of  trust and communication and teamwork.  Also all of the presidents and vice- presidents of every class has been meeting with their classes and updating them on what they need and want to see happen throughout the year and working on their behavior. And the treasurer has successfully been able to maintain a schedule for  people who will run bake sales throughout every week


Sabrina Shalhout
